Today we watched a story on the TV about the President giving a stay of
execution to a turkey for Thanksgiving. I'm surprised that Dr. Idiot
let us watch it because a lot of people started jumping around and
screaming and laughing. They usually don't get that excited unless
they're watching the Kardashians. What a dumb idea! The turkey thing I
mean. Well, also the Kardashians. How do they pick the turkey that
gets to live? Do they just go 'eenie, meanie, miney mo'? Do they give a
number to each turkey and pick a number out of a hat? Also, what about
the turkeys left behind? Think how disappointed they must be, until
they're dead. So the turkey that gets to live goes back to where ever
he came from and all his friends are dead! That's not nice! The President should show he believes in turkey equality
and just blow them all up at the same time! He's got those stealth bombers so it should be easy. Seriously. Where's the
justice here? Of course, if he blew them all up it would be hard to
collect all the pieces for a Thanksgiving dinner. The cats, dogs and
other critters would have a great feast though. The feathers flying
everywhere would be very pretty even if they're sort of bloody. I would
never blow up turkeys even for Thanksgiving. There's plenty of baloney
and mashed potatoes to eat. Besides that, turkeys make very good
companions if you don't mind how much they talk. They tend to sound
like the Kardashians.
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